A federal judge has ruled Idaho’s 2006 ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. While officials work on repealing the ban, no same-sex marriages will be completed in the state until Friday. Read about it here…[Idaho Stream] If the zombie apocalypse falls upon us, there’s no need to worry — new documents show that the government has it handled. The […]

A day after disgraced LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling appeared on CNN slamming Magic Johnson, the NBA legend has responded, saying that he feels sorry for the 80-year-old man. In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Johnson, who said he is still waiting for an apology from Sterling, had this to say about the billionaire who is now banned […]

If you watched Donald Sterling’s full interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper Monday night, you’re probably still trying to lift your jaw up off the floor like we are. The disgraced owner of the LA Clippers finally broke his silence in an interview turned tearful mea culpa that pointed the finger at everyone else and managed to offend […]

Less than two weeks after audio was released of LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling making racist comments, another recording has hit the internet. But this time he’s singing a different tune. A man identified as Sterling, who was banned from the NBA for life following the hate-laced audio leaked by rumored girlfriend V. Stiviano, can be heard […]

A Howard University student took to social media to document the police brutality he says he experienced during a traffic stop in Washington, D.C. Jeremy Gordon, 27, posted the above picture to his Instagram, pleading with followers to share his story in an effort to curb the excessive force often used by police officers. He paired the […]

Kim Kardashian catches a lot of flack from people who think she’s shallow, but this week she’s digging deep and speaking out on some controversial issues that have been plaguing the globe for quite some time now. So kill the noise, haters. Not only did the new mom hit up the USC SHOAH Foundation’s 20th […]

V. Stiviano is now at the center of an alleged extortion operation against Donald Sterling. According to the Huffington Post, the 31-year-old has over a hundred hours of audio featuring herself and the disgraced Los Angeles Clippers owner and is willing to keep them away from the public for the right price. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s […]

Guys, we’ve been through this before. Despite the handful of helpful lists on how to avoid irresponsible cultural appropriation during Cinco de Mayo, at least one news network ignored the memo. Sadly and… embarrassingly. During a segment meant to explain the historical background of the holiday, Way Too Early host Thomas Roberts was interrupted by […]

Writers and comedians over at Saturday Night Live hit it big with the hilarious Beygency skit that aired this weekend, but at least one of their segments is causing a lot of backlash…and with good reason. Leslie Jones, who was hired as SNL’s newest writer amid allegations producer Lorne Michaels didn’t welcome enough diversity into the creative […]

A disgraced former NYPD officer was arrested Sunday for a hate crime aimed at one of the biggest Jewish communities in Brooklyn. According to the New York Daily News, Michael Setiawan was arrested and charged with 19 counts each of criminal mischief as a hate crime and aggravated harassment as a hate crime after allegedly spray painting […]

Despite telling reporters last week that her husband is not a racist, Rochelle (Shelly) Sterling fully supports the NBA’s decision to force her husband, Donald Sterling, out of the Los Angeles Clippers. NBA Spokesman Mike Bass announced Saturday that the league will begin to search for a new owner for the team after racist recordings […]


In 2009, Miley Cyrus said she had never heard a Jay-Z song despite singing lyrics in one of her songs,about riding out to one of his songs. In 2014, as I write this, I keep turning the radio station to dodge her rap single where she’s feeling herself. Last year, after Hov dropped his album […]