If you tried your hand at an online dating platform to connect with individuals, chances are you’ve encountered a message similar to the one above. But the truth is, even walking down the street as a woman and rejecting a man could get you the exact response, up close and personal. And let us be the first […]

When Hollaback, an anti-street harassment organization, released a video of actress Shoshana B. Roberts enduring more than 100 catcalls while walking in New York City streets, we weren’t surprised at the amount of men dismissing how horrific street harassment really is. We also weren’t totally floored when conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh joined in on the misogyny, mocking the […]

Guys, Fox News gets it wrong again. Not that we’re surprised. Feedback from a now-viral video of actress Shoshana B. Roberts walking through New York City and enduring 100-plus catcalls unearthed a misogynistic public that didn’t quite understand the dangers of street harassment. The hosts of The Five joined right in, mocking the video and adding […]

For those who have never endured the demeaning experience of catcalling, this video is for you. Hollaback, an anti-street harassment organization, teamed up with videographer Rob Bliss to show what it’s like to endure street harassment as a woman. In the short video, 24-year-old actress Shoshana B. Roberts took part in the social experiment as she walked the streets of New York […]

In a tragic incident that highlights how street harassment can take a deadly turn, a 27-year-old mother in Detroit is dead after she was shot for refusing to give a man her phone number. Mary “Unique” Spears was attending the funeral of a family member on Detroit’s east side on the day the shooting occurred. The family continued to […]