
Drake has most definitely arrived, thanks to Drake fans have been submitting their favorite illustrations of Drake, whether it be drawings, sketches or tats. These fans are dedicated to their favorite artist. It says a lot when your fans go to the lengths of tattooing something of you on their body, it means that […]


Drake has most definitely arrived, thanks to Drake fans have been submitting their favorite illustrations of Drake, whether it be drawings, sketches or tats. These fans are dedicated to their favorite artist. It says a lot when your fans go to the lengths of tattooing something of you on their body, it means that […]

The problem that I face is being unknown, but considered known so I am formally introducing myself as the unknown, known Shay! I come from humble beginnings born the eleventh of thirteen children. Please, know that I have heard it all before so I know what you are thinking; “Did you have cable as a […]

Rihanna and Matt Kemp are a couple of young lovers who couldn’t wait to get back to each other. The couple shared public I miss you’s via interviews and post game news conferences. Rihanna and Matt Kemp even had video dates to keep the couple’s love alive during tour and a long baseball season. So […]


STOP THE VIOLENCE!!! A teenage girl is dead and a promising High School football star  is in critical condition Saturday night after a double shooting on Youngstown’s westside. Tracy Banks, 17, was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds inside a house on Manchester Street.  Police also found 18-year-old Jamel Turner shot multiple times lying by a stop […]


Watch brand to the stars has collaborated with everyone from Pharell’s urban aparel brand A Bathing Ape to snowboard superstar Shawn White, so it comes to no suprise that they are moving to the next level of innovation. G-Shock is now collaborating with Berlin-based fashion house Starstyling for a 20+ piece collection that is set […]


Watch brand to the stars has collaborated with everyone from Pharell’s urban aparel brand A Bathing Ape to snowboard superstar Shawn White, so it comes to no suprise that they are moving to the next level of innovation. G-Shock is now collaborating with Berlin-based fashion house Starstyling for a 20+ piece collection that is set […]


Watch brand to the stars G-Shock has collaborated has collaborated with everyone from urban fashion brand A Bathing Ape to snowboarding superstar Shawn White. So it comes to no supise that they have now partnering with Berlin based fashion company Starstyling. The fahsion house is set to create an orginal 20 piece collection that will […]

So if you missed it this weekend, Kanye West went retro by doing a brand new installment of the television series VH1 Storytellers. He also made an ass of himself by vomiting at the mouth about random pop culture subjects.SPIKE Featured Videos –


  Unless you’re someone who actually plays the game of soccer, try to resist the urge to buy a jersey with the number 10 emblazoned on it. We know this is like the biggest sporting event of the last four years (just like it always is every four years), but we also know you probably […]

Today, April 19, 2010, we lost hiphop pioneer, Keith Elam AKA Guru. Guru lost his long bout with cancer at the young age of 43. Guru was half of the popular 80’s group Gangstarr, with former partner DJ Premier. Together, the group released six albums, including Step In the Arena, Moment of Truth, and Mass […]

Multi-Rights deals, also known as 360 deals, are becoming more and more common place in today’s music landscape. 360 deals are agreements that permit a label to garner a percentage of the revenue from ALL of a music group’s activities instead of only record sales. in 360 deals, labels may get a percentage of revenue […]