The Daily Grind Video

The new action-packed thriller Safe House, starring Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds, is one of the most anticipated movies of the year. GlobalGrind is counting down the days until it hits theaters on February 10th!

Tobin Frost (played by Denzel Washington) was considered one of the CIA’s most highly-respected operatives until he rebelled against the organization and became one of their biggest threats. Frost, now considered a dangerous fugitive and deemed a criminal on the run, must be transported to a Safe House because of his vast knowledge of top-secret government information.

When CIA agent Matt Weston (played by Ryan Reynolds) is given the job of moving Frost, the Safe House is attacked, and Weston finds himself caught in the middle of an unknown conspiracy and on the run with Frost.

The film unravels the mystery of why the Safe House was attacked and leads you through a nail-biting whodunit! The actors are constantly on the run in the movie, and we found that they are just as active off-screen. Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds and Vera Farmiga have all been spotted living busy, active lifestyles, and we caught some of those moments in the gallery above.