The Daily Grind Video

As a child, most girls grow up believing that they are going to find their prince charming or knight in shining armor. They want to find love that’s long-lasting and true just like the fairytales with the happily ever afters.

But a happily ever after is something that you can’t go in search of. Cinderella didn’t walk through the village to find the Prince and Belle didn’t knock on every mansion door to find her very own Beast.

Even though celebrities live lives that sometimes seem like fairytales, they don’t always win over the kind of man they want to have their hearts.

Katy Perry recently split with her short-term boyfriend John Mayer, and based on the reports, she is pretty disappointed with the outcome.

She’s been through a lot in her love life in the past year, from her divorce to Russell Brand, being rumored to be with a male model, a short fling with Florence and the Machine member Robert Ackroyd, and now her relationship with John.

Katy seems to be looking in the wrong places for her heart’s desire. I truly believe she wants that happily ever after, and she deserves it! Why not? She works hard to please her fans year-round through new music, long tours, and appearances. She shouldn’t have to live that life alone with no one to come home to.

A breakup usually makes a person want to react on the rebound, and personally, I think maybe that’s what Katy’s done through all of her relationships this year. She should just chill out, and let the men chase after her until the sun goes down.

It seems like she’s looking in all the wrong places for love. It’s going to take a hell of a lot of patience, but her day will come, just like any other female’s. She just needs to wait.

She might be taking the Jay-Z line “on to the next one” a little too seriously. You don’t always have to immediately have a next one!

I know that feeling of when you get into a serious relationship with someone and it feels like they are the only person for you out there, but they’re NOT.

Once I got past the healing and acceptance stage of the breakup, I realized that having a lover is strictly luxury, and not a necessity in life. It took me many months, but I did get there, and Katy will just have to as well with a little more patience and time.

For now, Katy should just sit back, relax, and enjoy her own beauty until the right person comes along to appreciate it in its entirety.

Lindsey India 

Twitter: @LindseyIndia