The Daily Grind Video

Republican presidential candidates came face-to-face last night at the Ronald Reagan presidential library in Simi Valley, California, and it’s safe to say that the gloves came off!

We are seeing a clearer picture of who will challenge President Obama in 2012.

Republican Presidential Candidates Square Off At The Ronald Reagan Library 

Between Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney throwing verbal jabs at each other, the debate had plenty of unforgettable lines from each candidate.

For example, Congressman Ron Paul said that he could get America to a gallon of gas for a dime!

It was that type of night, and we have some of the best lines.


Rick Perry On Social Security And Taking Shots:

On social security: “It is a Ponzi scheme to tell our kids that are 25 or 30 years old today, you’re paying into a program that’s going to be there. Anybody that’s for the status quo with Social Security today is involved with a monstrous lie to our kids, and it’s not right.”

On his opponents talking about him: “I kind of feel like the pinata here at the party.”


Mitt Romney Throws Shots:

Mitt Romney threw shots at Texas Gov. Rick Perry on jobs creation in the Lone Star state.

“As a matter of fact, George Bush and his predecessors created jobs at a faster rate than you did.” 


Ron Paul Has Dime Gas:

Congressman Ron Paul explains how inflation has made gas too expensive and how he would give us a gallon of gas for a dime.


Herman Cain Has 9’s:

Former Godfathers Pizza C.E.O. has a 9-9-9 plan that would get the ecnomy back on track:

“Throw out the current tax code, a 9 percent tax on corporate income, our 9 percent tax on personal income and a 9 percent national sales tax. If 10 percent is good enough for God, 9 percent ought to be good enough for the federal government. This 9-9-9 plan will replace all federal income taxes. … It will also replace the payroll tax, so everybody gets some skin in the game.”


Michele Bachmann Wants To Strengthen Military:

Bachmann feels we have to change Obama’s policies:

“As devastating as our economy is with the policies of Barack Obama, I think that he has actually weakened us militarily and with the United States presence globally.”


Newt Gingrich Wants To Fire Ben:

Speaker Gingrich wants to fire Ben Bernanke, current Chairman of the Federal Reserve:

“I’d fire him tomorrow I think he’s been the most inflationary, dangerous and power-centered chairman of the Fed in the history of the Fed.”


Jon Huntsman Doesn’t Sign Pledges:

Former Utah Gov won’t sign tax pledges, but his opponents will:

“I’d love to get everybody to sign a pledge to take no pledges. I have a pledge to my wife, and I pledge allegiance to my country, but beyond that, no pledges. I think it diminishes the political discussion. I think it jeopardizes your ability to lead once you get there.”