The Daily Grind Video

“It was God’s plan.” Those are the infamous words from the mouth of George Zimmerman that infuriated us all who are able to rationalize and contextualize that which he so audaciously proclaimed. The statement was cruel, insensitive, ignorant, and last but not least, it was genius.

STORY: Family Of James Holmes Speaks 

Let’s be clear, it is evident that Zimmerman is an idiot. If he wasn’t an idiot, Trayvon Martin would still be breathing today. Sadly, his stupidity garnered him national media attention.

As a result, he has been – rightfully so – vilified by most, but has become a martyr in certain pockets of the country. Zimmerman represents a mindset that is omnipresent among those who can be influenced by the Sean Hannitys, Michele Bachmanns, Sarah Palins, Bill O’Reillys, and Rush Limbaughs of the world. 

Here’s where the genius comes in. When someone is plastered on all media outlets for days on end, his notoriety will obviously increase even if you are demonizing him.

So when you personally address the public via an interview, your goal should be to cater to those who are aware of you and support you. Zimmerman did that to a tee. As appalling and sickening as that interview was, it accomplished a goal. It energized his supporters

Zimmerman represents everything that is anti-Obama. So not only is he benefitting from his notoriety, but the entire right wing now has a figure that they can use to fuel biases and energize a base that supports them.

In essence, focusing on Zimmerman rather than the facts surrounding the case allowed Zimmerman, countless right wing politicians and media pundits, and right wing news organizations to profit off the killing of an unarmed black teen, both financially and politically.

I’m not saying we should completely dismiss the incident as yesterday’s news, or let Zimmerman off the hook, but we should keep everything objective and in perspective.

The same can be said about the suspected crazed Aurora killer, James Holmes. Even with the Son Of Sam Laws, laws that prevent serial killers to profit off their crimes, in places there are still ways that Holmes can profit off of his crime.

Regardless of the infamy of the crime an individual is associated with, the individual responsible for the crime still maintains his rights guaranteed to him in the Constitution.

To tell the Son Of Sam, Jeffery Dahmer, or Ted Bundy that they can’t tell their sickening stories is tantamount to telling Malcolm X that he shouldn’t have released the The Autobiography Of Malcolm X because it involved crimes that he was convicted for.

Other authors who could have been affected by the Son Of Sam laws are Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (arrested during a sit–in at a restaurant), Sir Walter Raleigh (convicted of treason), and Henry David Thoreau (jailed for refusal to pay taxes).

To be clear, I personally feel that any profit made from material by a serial killer should be seized and given to the family of the victims as restitution, but there are arguments against that sentiment that have been successfully used in a court of law that allowed criminals to profit off their crimes, i.e. Henry Hill profiting from the novel Wiseguys and subsequently Goodfellas.

When we turn these monsters into celebrities by focusing on them too much, we are giving them a greater opportunity to capitalize off the terror and pain they caused to victims and their families.

The saddest part about the Aurora tragedy that people are overlooking is the real profiteer of the theater shooting: the manufacturers of the guns. In Colorado, applications for guns have skyrocketed since the tragedy. I’m sure Heckler & Koch is ecstatic about that.

What we need to focus on is what caused the tragedy, not the person who did. We should be looking at how the mental health industry should be repaired, and try to find out why an extensive psychological background check is not mandatory for purchasing a weapon.

Until then, we are disrespecting the deaths of those who have been affected by the psychos, and the underlying environment that caused their psychosis. 

Garvey Ashhurst 

Garvey Ashhurst is a young up and coming poet, songwriter, and blogger. He is the reason that the system is afraid of a black man in a library. His aim is not to be Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, or Ghandi, but he hopes to make them proud by keeping their ideals alive through his lifestyle. He hopes that one day young brothers will one day say I want to be the next him.