The Daily Grind Video

<p>When lookin at namibia’s fashion industry, it’s pretty noticeable that the people are looking for somethin done by africans, for africans. so this means that our clothing industry will be parallelly growing with the people’s demands. since progress is a slow process, we should be patient to experience Namibia’s great fashion peak. We have only started to discover our fashion preferences. This is obvious because of the ‘twins’ you see walking around. Everyone tends to dress the same way when in different circumstances. There is a certain successful businessman look in windhoek, there is an ‘i am trendy and young’ look and it all just makes us want to create and design more for the massess. We have no identity when it comes to how the namibian youth dresses, i feel we are all to bent on looking like someone else that we forget we can look like ourselves. Try something new, dress how you really want to instead of how you think you should. Afrolingo</p><p>Posted @ 20:20:02 on 19 January 2010 &nbsp;back to top</p><p>Afrolingo is a modern clothing label targeted at young and vibrant individuals that reflects a proud African. Our aim is to inspire all young Namibians to set out their goals and do everything they can to achieve them. We created this brand to give positive messages about our culture and fight actions that degenerate our society, things like war or curruption. Do not for one second think we are professors, we are three concerned young men trying to find a way to get our voice heard. This is our blog and we want to show you our journey to the trophy, feel free to comment and express any views because we all want to learn more. Afrolingo</p><p>Posted @ 09:06:34 on 14 January 2010 &nbsp;back to top</p>