The Daily Grind Video

New York City has been experiencing a heatwave like never before, so when people flip their lid it’s expected. But what recently occured on a New York City train was disgraceful.

On a New York City L train, a heated debate between two straphangers turned ugly when a fight over a seat left a baby stroller rolling out the doors of a subway car ― with the baby still inside!

STORY: Naked Dude On The Train Starts Screaming Ni**er 

Two women started fighting over a seat on the L train as follow passengers watched in disbelief. The entire fisticuffs was captured on a cell phone camera and posted to YouTube. 


Living in New York City, we see these types of things all the time, passengers pushing and shoving, fighting over seats, not moving into cars fully and just standing by the door. It’s an everyday occurrence when you’re a resident riding the iron horse in NYC.

We laugh and joke when we see people acting a fool on the subway, but this was no laughing matter, as a baby’s life was in danger because of the actions of his/her mother.

The actions portrayed in this video are ridiculous, it’s a black eye for New York City and it poorly represents who we are as New Yorkers. There is no excuse for such deplorable behavior; we’ve all had our moments when we wanted to spaz out and fight everything in our way, but it’s always better to turn the other cheek and keep it moving.

Both women are to blame in the situation, if you’re a mother, there’s no way you should be getting into a fist fights on the train with your baby.

This is a situation that could have turned deadly; people have been killed for fewer things than a seat on a subway.

Next time, if you’re in similar situation, it’s better to walk away and leave unharmed, than to be a viral video of the day.
