The Daily Grind Video

Imagine giving your son up for adoption and discovering 56 years later he is one of the most leading innovative minds of the twenty first century. How would you feel? Would you feel remorse and regret or would you try and get in touch with your son?

Steve Jobs Resigns From Apple!

That’s the current circumstance Abdulfattah John Jandali faces. Jandali, an 80-year-old a Syrian immigrant who works as Vice President of a casino in Reno, Nevada, is claiming to be the father of former Apple Inc C.E.O. Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs And The Wealthy College Dropout Club (PHOTOS)

The story goes, 56 years ago,  Jandali’s girlfriend and Jobs’ biological mother, Joanne Simpson became pregnant and her father forbid the two from getting married because Jandali was of Syrian decent.

So without informing Jandali, Simpson left their home in Wisconsin and went to San Francisco where she had the baby and gave it up for adoption.

Now, as Jobs health declines, his father is reaching out to him before it’s to late.

Steve Jobs And His Lifetime At Apple Inc (PHOTOS)

I truly understand where, Jandali is coming from, on the outside it may look like a father trying to cash in on his billionaire son, but the truth is he just wants to meet his son. 

I haven’t seen or spoken to my father in almost 15 years, but I would love to tell him that I’m writing and working for one the most influential people in Hip-Hop.

I would love to tell him about the exciting things I’m doing and the people I’m meeting, I would love to tell him about my sisters Cake N Wings business, I would love to tell him about my girlfriend who I love and drives me crazy and I will one day, maybe i’ll call him on my 30th birthday in a couple weeks, because it’s important for him to see the man I’ve become. 

Yes my father wasn’t around but I never used that as an excuse to have my life take another direction. My mom was dad and my family was so big with so many uncles and cousins I didn’t feel as though I was missing a father.

So to Steve Jobs, reach out to your old man, because as he feels regret, you don’t want to regret not having a single word your father. 
