The Daily Grind Video

It almost seemed like an Onion News headline when I first read it, thinking it was a joke. “Boehner rejects Obama request to address joint session of Congress on 9/7. Suggests he do it on 9/8.”

It reminded me of another Onion News headline “Obama Turns 50 Despite Republican Opposition.”

Barack Obama Salutes Navy Seals Killed In Afghanistan (PHOTOS)

The back and forth fighting between The Obama White House and Republican lawmakers has gotten so petty, it’s now become a comedy.

President Obama was scheduled to make a major jobs and economy speech on September 7, when both Houses of Congress were to return from their August recess sessions. Speaker of the House John Boehner shot down that proposal and requested the President do it the next day.

So why push the President’s speech back 24 hours? Because it conflicts with the Republican presidential debate which will be broadcast on Wednesday night.

An unprecedented event just happened and many people aren’t talking about it, there has never been an instance in which Congress refused the President permission to speak before a Joint Session of Congress.

When the President kindly request to speak before a Joint Session of Congress and is turned down, there’s a problem. And the problem doesn’t start with John Boehner and the Republican leadership, it lies squarely with the President.

The President doesn’t need to ‘Kanye West’ the stage and snatch the mic, but on some level he should. Being assertive and forceful when dealing with the likes of Boehner and the Republicans is something he needs to do more of.

It isn’t the President’s style to get down in the mud and get gritty, he’s the grown-up in a room full of adolescents. But at times, children need to get spanked or else they’ll run rampant over you.

This is a story we’ve seen far too often, Obama being called a push over, many have even called for him to grow a pair of balls.

And rightfully so, from the Health Care debate to the Debt ceiling negotiations, the Republicans always seem to come out on top shining, while the President bends over and takes the abuse like the Ving Rhames rape scene from Pulp Fiction. Sorry, but at times it just seems that way.

That’s the reason why so many have been critical of the President, he’s perceived as not being a fighter when dealing with the G.O.P.

It’s as if he kowtows to every direct order given to him, like a lady of the night would do to her procurer. 

All I’m saying is, sometimes you need to get a little dirt on your shoulders; it shows that you can get grimy and you aren’t afraid. 
