The Daily Grind Video

Dearest Karrueche

I am sure your life has changed quite a bit since you were linked to one of the biggest R&B stars in the world. Life has gone from food, fun and paparazzi-less outings with your girlfriends, to being featured on every single urban blog every time you step out with your uber famous boyfriend to do normal things that boyfriends and girlfriends do.

PHOTOS: Stacks On Stacks: Did Chris Brown Buy Karrueche A New Car!?

It may be annoying, it may be an absolute invasion of privacy, but it undoubtedly comes with the territory. 

No, that doesn’t make slanderous posts comparing you to Rihanna commonplace, but it does catapult you to the spotlight and gives you ample opportunity to be in the public eye. 

Fame, as I am sure you know, is both a gift and a curse, depending on how you manage it, and I don’t know how to put this gently, but wouldn’t you like to be known for a little something more than being Chris Brown’s girlfriend? 

It is absolutely possible to be more. It is possible to be a beautiful multicultural woman, an amazing girlfriend, and a phenomenal businesswoman.  

PHOTOS: Chris Brown And Karrueche Gone WILD In Cancun!

I have to pull the Amber Rose comparison card here. Amber has always been a faithful and supporting girlfriend (now fiancée) to Wiz, but stayed focused on building her brand as Amber without outshining or over-stepping Wiz’s fame, and now instead of being Kanye’s ex, or Wiz’s girl, she is herself. She is Amber Rose and her name can recognizably stand alone without affiliation to a man, and that is gold.

Karrueche, you’re going to be in the news, just embrace it and make the best of it. How you deal with fame destines how the world accepts you.

Aside from Chris’ connections, you have a world of resources at your fingertips and there is nothing more tragic than wasted talent; there is also nothing quite as fulfilling as having your own in every aspect of life. 

Yes, you look great riding in Chris’ Lambo, but it would be so much sexier for you to be pushing your own.

I have faith in you, and I want to see more from you.

You love food? You love fashion? You love modeling? Let those things work for you. Find your niche and plant the seed.

We already know your name; we just need something else to remember it for.

I am looking forward to enthusiastically writing about your endeavors without connection to Chris, I want to write about what Karrueche is doing. 

With warm regards and lots of hope for your future,



P.S. Your fans are waiting.