The Daily Grind Video

Welcome to another installment of Three Stack Thursdays. You should know by now that the best part about today is that it is free of any budget. If you have got it, today is the day to spend it and today is extra special because it is all about taking flight at astronomical heights and speeds. Check out what we mean all in today’s Dollars & Sense.

Fly A Mig Jet

Flying in a MIG fighter jet isn’t just about taking a flight through the air, it’s about experiencing space and flight up to 14 miles above the the earth’s surface, all in a piece of fighter jet history at supersonic speeds. Some companies will actually let you take control of the jet yourself and we strongly recommend that you find one of these – it’s not often that you’re actually allowed to fly a fighter jet.

All necessary equipment and clothing will be provided for you at the base, so that’s one less thing to worry about and a camera man will be provided to take photos for you. If you decide to do this, the cheapest we could find was  EUR 12,499.00 for a 40 minute flight, which is by no means cheap, but still a lot cheaper then funding space flight through other means. The only place we could find this was Russia, but it’s worth the trip if you want to live out your Top Gun dreams.

via: Fiked


Travel On Virgin Galactic

Tickets cost $200,000 and deposits start from $20,000. Space travel, even the commercial version like this, if no small feat, and before you go anywhere you’ll spend 2-3 days preparing with the flight crew. If you thought you knew speed in the past, forget it, with this flight you’ll reach over 3 times the speed of sound within a matter of seconds, soaring out of the earth’s atmosphere at 2500mph.

When you’ve reached space, the rocket engines turn off and everything goes very silent. You’ll experience zero gravity for what will likely be the very first time, while staring out the windows at the stars and earth that surround you. You’ll have plenty of time to experience weightlessness in the roomy cabin, before facing the extreme G-forces that you’ll experience on the re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere, where you’ll drift into a smooth glide back down to earth. Certainly an expensive experience, but one that will be unmatched by anything else you’ve ever done.

via: Fiked


Financial Tip Of The Day

Re-evaluate Your Insurance Policy

Reduce the high monthly payments on medication, insurance, phone and TV service, memberships, etc. by getting better deals with different vendors. Learn about the different types of insurance available and spend your money wisely (for example, term instead of whole life). Choose higher deductibles to lower your premiums.