The Daily Grind Video

<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Tameka Raymond looks fabulous on the cover of &ldquo;Be Entertained Magazine&rdquo; and she really opens up about her organization &ldquo;The Lost Ones Foundation&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;The Lost Ones Foundation is a non-profit organization that lends a helping hand to adolescent girls from the ages of 12-18. The majority of the young ladies are in at risk environments, but some of the girls are doing well. The Lost Ones Foundation will help keep all of them on the right road. We cater to girls in that age group &amp; help them deal with different perils that teens face such as premature pregnancy, truancy from school, self esteem, &amp; things of that nature.&rdquo;</p><p>We hope to set the girls on a straight &amp; narrow pathway of doing right. We have lots of items in place to bring the girls back to the middle.</p><p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m originally from Oakland, California &amp; in Oakland, we didn&rsquo;t have anything like Lost Ones, or at least I didn&rsquo;t know about it&hellip;it wasn&rsquo;t available to me, but certainly a lot of my friends needed it. So I saw a need for it because so many girls today are lost, or looking for attention, and even trying to validate themselves.&rdquo;</p><p><span style="font-family: ‘Lucida Grande’, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, Sans, FreeSans, Jamrul, Garuda, Kalimati; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px;"><strong style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">Bravo Tameka!! To learn more about &ldquo;</strong><a style="color: #0071bb; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/outbound/article/’);" href=”;);" href=""><strong style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">&nbsp;here.</strong></a></span></p>