The Daily Grind Video

They say that technology is the mark of the beast.

And now that two major national security leaks revealed that the government is keeping tabs on just about everything we do, it all makes sense. Land of the free? Privacy? What does any of this mean now?

The thing is, we’ve known for some time the government sifted through our personal information, but with news that major tech companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Skype are willingly giving up all of our deets, whether they had probable cause or not, it was like a slap to the face.

At this point, our lives are too plugged into the tech force, so it’s hard to disconnect. And on one hand, we can attribute foiled terror attacks in the nation on programs like PRISM (the NSA’s moniker for the security program). In a way, things like this keep us safe (to an extent).

But it’s a slippery slope. If we accept that information we give to these companies in trust is being passed to the government for databases, what does the future of privacy and freedom look like?

With that being said, we just wanted to give the government something to think about. Maybe if we are willing to show them the incriminating things we do on our phones, tablets, and computers, they can build trust in us instead of going behind our backs to spy.

And we’re probably outing ourselves here. But isn’t honesty the best policy?

Looking through our computers, you’ll probably see a Google search gone wrong…

Or our social media manager’s latest obsession…


And you’ll see one of our creepy staff writer’s favorite songs…

And she might be embarrassed to say it, but our music editor’s favorite YouTube video…

And what us girls think of here as porn…

And they’ll also see that we’re up on our current events…

And that we’ve been spying on Riff Raff getting dressed.

If they’re really looking through all of our shit, they’ll find that this is what we look at all day at work…and they’ll probably get us fired.

And they’ll find out that we like this dude better than Beyonce…

And on second thought, all of this stuff is pretty awesome. And now it makes sense why PRISM even exists. So the government can laugh their asses off at the ridiculousness we search every day.

I see what you guys are doing there!