The Daily Grind Video

We were shocked this Halloween season when the question of whether or not to dress up in blackface was even an actual question (the answer is never, no and definitely not), but the internet is showing the world that we clearly need to do a Halloween Costume 101, because people just don’t get it.

Like they think dressing up as bloody pilots from the Asiana Airlines flight that crashed this summer, killing two and injuring 180 people, is OK.

What’s worse is that Rhodes Scholars (aren’t they supposed to be smart?) were partying at a Chicago bar on Saturday (seen above) dressed up as the racist faux-dentities that caused such a stir back in July. If you recall, Bay Area news station KTVU reported that the pilots on the flight were named “Sum Ting Wong,” “Wi Tu Lo,” “Ho Lee Fuk,” and “Bang Ding Ow.” They later apologized for the “joke.”

So any argument that this costume, while distasteful, isn’t at all racist…

Isn’t an argument at all. Just stop.

And let’s really think smartly about our costumes come Thursday, October 31.

SOURCE: Gawker | PHOTO CREDIT: Angry Asian Man