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Peep the Palaces from around the planet.

Prague Castle
In the city of Prague in the Czech Republic there is a castle that towers over the city. The world famous Prague Castle is the biggest ancient castle on Earth. 



China Imperial Palace
The Forbidden City in Beijing, China was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the Quing Dynasty.For nearly 500 years the palace was the emperor’s home and the Chinese center of government.



Arge-e Bam
The Arg-e Bam is one of the largest adobe buildings on Earth. Found in the city of Bam, Iran, the huge building was a fortress built before 500 BC.



Himeji Castle
The Himeji Castle in Himeji, Japan, is made up of more than 80 wooden buildings. Known for its brilliant white exterior, the castle is often called the White Heron Castle.



Bran Castle
Romania’s Bran Castle is commonly known as ‘Dracula’s Castle.’Built in 1377, the Bran Castle was constructed, in part, to defend against the ever-expanding Ottoman Empire.



The Warwick Castle
Built in the early 11th century, the Warwick Castle of Warwick, England, is a model of medieval English architecture.



The Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle, at nearly 500,000 square feet, is the biggest inhabited castle in the world.Windsor Castle is one of the principle residences of the queen of England.



The Neuschwanstein Castle
The Neuschwanstein Castle looks out over the land in southwest Bavaria, Germany.



The Blarney Castle
The Blarney Castle of Ireland is home to the world famous Stone of Eloquence, often referred to as the Blarney Stone, housed in the top of the tower.