The Daily Grind Video

Alvin Greene isn’t the greatest orator, but he gave it  shot on Monday when he gave his first speech to the NAACP on Sunday. South Carolina’s surprising U.S. Senate candidate Alvin Greene spoke for about 6 1/2 minutes and focused on 3 major goals for South Carolina: jobs, justice, and education.

Greene’s first speech was in a South Carolina junior High School gymnasium and he started it off with a great one-liner ‘hopefully i’m the best choice for one of next year’s NAACP Image Awards’. Greene went on to tell the crowd; ‘Let’s get South Carolina and America back to work and let’s move South Carolina forward,’

On education Greene told the crowd ‘Parents need to take more of a part in their children’s education, especially parents of underperforming students,’ Greene didn’t layout a real plan just saying what needs to be done.



On justice Greene states; ‘The punishment should fit the crime. Fairness saves us money. First-time offenders should be offered programs such as pretrial intervention,’

Watch Greene’s first speech to the NAACP.