The Daily Grind Video

I have been getting a lot of flack from some of my partners the past 24 hours for putting ‘Showing My A**’ on our site.  But how else could I get more people to talk about the Governor’s upcoming proposal for changing the drug laws?  Anyway, my partners said that I’m a serious activist, a serious philanthropist, and for their purposes, I had to remain a serious business image as well!!  I have always been a little bit of a rebel, but I also recognize that I have grown some.  I don’t think I rebel as much anymore for the sake of rebellion.  Maybe it is partly because I have gotten older or because I meditate for long periods everyday or I have become more comfortable with my opinions…and then I can seem relentless on pushing them.  I am clear that despite every investors push to do the obvious with GG, I have a slightly different mission statement than them and I will stay on it till I’m the next one fired.  I believe that Global Grind has a strong purpose and I’m intent on delivering this special mission.
So today’s meditation brought me an insight.  It occurred to me when I was reading some very mean comments about Foxy Brown.  (I don’t believe that the person who wrote that mean comment was getting the satisfaction they needed by criticizing her new, beautiful life.). I thought  ‘hurt people hurt people’ and I bet even most of these ‘hurt’ people were most likely not so “hurt.”  I doubt that they really understand the gravity of their words nor do they realize that they could actually really hurt a sweet, artistic kid who just returned from prison and has been trying to practice ‘good behavior.’  But they can.  Because Britney Spears, Foxy Brown and a lot of the other celebrities you beat up on this site are your servants and your mean spirited disapproval has made their lives much harder to manage.  Their kids and families and bearings are off as a result of your seemingly harmless jabs.  Yesterday, I was personally taken aback by that rap from a male blogger who wrote about the possibility that I had gray hair on my balls!  Now that might not sound mean to you, but I had to double check!!!  Finally, I must say that there is room in this crowded space of negativity for constructive reflection and criticism to and with sensitive artists, politicians and other famous figures that will inspire them to be better servants.  They desperately want input from a smart sample of their audience.  Let’s (global grind community) provide this platform.  I know that our words matter.  Let’s put on our thinking hats and entertain our higher selves.  By lifting these bloggers, we will in turn, lift ourselves.  This blog was already written and I couldn’t find a good name, so I took my favorite blog titles @ GG for last week and I borrowed them.
Have blissful weekend…Oh yeah, Foxy Brown diaries beginning Monday.