The Daily Grind Video

Does anybody else find it a bit insulting that Lady Gaga refers to her fans as ‘Little Slutty Monsters’ or is it just me? I have been following her from the beginning and I am in love with her new take on music and art. I find her bizarrely innovative and she inspires me to be more ‘bad-ass’ but this is pushing it. As I was googling her-trying to be a good fan and all- I started reading how SHE calls us ‘Little Slutty Monsters’ (I would call her by her name but I am too upset right now). Later she changed it to ‘Little Monsters’- still offensive, but media friendly- while thanking us for her new video ‘Telephone’ featuring Beyonce making history.

It made me wonder ‘why am I ok with being called a little slutty monster?’ I don’t scare children in the night, and when I look in the mirror it does not crack. I also do not ‘spread myself thin’ if you know what I mean. Then you get it tattooed on you? Like I want to be permanently remember as that. The tattoo is viscous but I really don’t understand why you brand us like this Ms. Stefani.


See do you like how that feels? Being called something you don’t want to be. We wait in unpleasant weather on lines with people we would NEVER speak too, buy anything you endorse or grace the cover of, just to be labeled as a imaginary adulterer? Granted you have a eclectic following and some of them don’t mind it, they may actually live for it.

But for those of us who don’t like whips and chains and underground raves, find something different like ‘inspiration’ or ‘the reason why I even exist to the world’. Ok so I’m being a little touchy, but as far as I’m concerned slut is not a happy term. Don’t think because your a musical genius that you get a pass. Just call us fans if you can’t find anything us creative to say. Still love you Gaga! Mwahhh!

Come check out my thoughts  @GunnerJane  Mwahz!