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Sunday and Thursday night TV has been well worth it this summer. Mostly due to two of our favorite characters: Sookie from True Blood and Snooki from Jersey Shore. Both women have undeniable characteristics that make them primetime divas, but if Sookie and Snooki were ever to meet, who would outshine the other? In some ways, these ladies are scarily alike and in many, they are total opposites. Check out Global Grind’s breakdown of: Sookie vs Snooki.


Snooki says no to jerkoffs but yes to juiceheads. You best be working on your GTL routine to win Snook’s heart.

Sookie says no to the living and yes to the dead. This fangbanger has a thing for blood sucking, violent Vampire sex and nothing less.[pagebreak]A FLAIR FOR VIOLENCE

Both Sookie and Snooki have been victims of violence. Whether it’s another chick in their face or even another man throwing punching, these ladies have suffered some horrible bruises. We all remember the punch heard around the world when Snooki was knocked out by a belligerent drunk at a bar. And Miss Sookie Stackhouse has been attacked by vampires, werewolves, a minotaur almost every week.


Sookie’s special sixth sense allows her to hear your deepest inner thoughts. Vampires can’t glamour her and there’s not a secret you can keep from this Louisiana gal.

When Snooki’s not falling over things, breaking objects and ruining tonight’s dinner, she actually can help out animals. That is, she will one day assist your local veteranian as a vet tech – whenever she gets that degree completed.

Sookie Stackhouse probably supports a vampire’s right to marry the living, but in real life, Anna Paquin, who plays Sookie, supports equal rights for every sexual orientation.

Snooki supports individual’s rights to look toasty brown. She adamantly stands against President Obama’s tax hike on tanning.


Sookie deals with the everyday struggle of trying to make a living as a waitress while trying to find trust in her love affair with a local vampire. Between vampires hunting her down to kill her and a mysterious family legacy, Sookie just can’t catch a break.

Snooki, on the other hand, faces challenges to her vertical disability. This shorty stands at 4’9” without her stillettos and requires