The Daily Grind Video

<p>Have ever seen video for the song &ldquo;<a onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/outbound/article/’);" rel="shadowbox[post-3612];player=swf;width=640;height=385;" href=”;);" href=”;);" href="; target="_blank"></a> summed up the porn statistics well:<br /> </strong></p><p>&bull; Single men watched an average of 40 minutes of porn three times per week</p><p>&bull; Non-single men watched porn a little bit less, 20 minutes and 1.7 times per week</p><p>&bull; Men have &ldquo;conventional&rdquo; sexual habits, whatever that means</p><p>&bull; Porn hasn&rsquo;t changed men&rsquo;s perception of women</p>