The Daily Grind Video

Lil Wayne and Toya got married young, they had a baby and eventually things didn’t work out. Toya is now the star of a hit reality show and Lil Wayne is serving a year in jail. While Toya is extremely excited about her new show which returns in April, she also has to deal with a lot on the outside.

Today I will give you a better look at Toya the person. When it comes to Lil Wayne, Toya wants people to know ‘we’re very supportive of each other and ya know we’ve been down with each other for a long time’ Toya says. ‘Although I’ve been through a lot with Wayne that I kinda like I forgave him for and I’ve let it go and I’ve moved on and me and Wayne [and the other mothers] have good relationships and all of us we get along like a happy family and some people just don’t understand that and I’m glad that me and Wayne are mature enough to still have a good relationship, talk about anything, any and everything and we are able to come together, we’re here [] other kids and different things like that it’s just about being mature adults at this point and it’s about the kids and not anything else.’

Xilla: Is it hard for you to juggle your newfound celebrity and being a mother? 

Toya: Well you know it’s all new for me right now. This is like the first year I’m really juggling doing a bunch of different things such as traveling and I’m working on my book and a lot of other things. I have my daughter with me a lot and I have to do for her sometimes, so you know it’s a lot. I wouldn’t say it’s real easy but I get it done and I think I do a pretty good job at it.


Xilla: Do you have any advice for other mothers, who maybe working two jobs and find it hard to spend time with their kids?

Toya: I always make sure I have my daughter with me as much as I can and just always talk to your kids and let them know what’s going on. Like me and my daughter have a really good relationship, I like to talk to her about a lot of different things because I don’t like other people to bring it to her, like at school they talk about different things with her father or some things they may hear on the blogs because kids have access to a whole lot. They’re exposed to a whole lot these days, so I just try to talk to mine as much as I could and keep that good relationship that we have and most importantly keep her grounded.

Xilla: Can you share what you told her about her father’s situation?

Toya: ‘I just told her like I told Tiny ya know when Tiny was going through it with tip i gave her that gift and stuff like that and i just told her it’s a suspension of time i also gave my daughter something to remind her of her father whenever she thinks about him, ya know just go to that and write, and my daughter writes a lot she writes a lot of her feelings just like me so i’ve talked to her about it, her dads [Lil Wayne] talked to her about it and since her dads been in there he’s been calling so she’s okay now’

Please come back on Monday for Part 2 of my Interview with Toya from Tiny and Toya Show

Xilla | Follow me @BlogXilla</scr