The Daily Grind Video

As the editorial team of Global Grind, we are shocked to read this morning that Rupert Murdoch agrees with Glenn Beck when he called the President “racist.”  This type of insensitivity, ignorance and small-mindedness on the part of Mr. Murdoch is divisive and hurtful.

By no means are we calling you, Mr. Murdoch, a racist.  In fact, we know you mean well and we believe that you are trying to right the wrongs, but like many white people around the world, you perpetuate the notion that people of color suffer the cycles of poverty because they are unwilling to break out of it themselves.  This is your small-mindedness. 

Mr. Murdoch, we do not live in a post-racial society, although things have gotten better, most people of color in this world continue to be locked out of the mainstream and continue to suffer the burdens caused by centuries of white supremacy.  This is your ignorance.

Mr. Murdoch, you have created a news network that hides behind the slogan, “fair and balanced,” when you must know that you are a right wing media outlet, who always sides with the conservative view point. At least, our media company,, we admit that we are a progressive source of news.  Never do we hide from who we are.   Our founder, Russell Simmons told us this morning,

“I consider myself a friend of Roger Ailes, have been on Sean Hannity, Gov. Huckabee and Bill O’Reilly shows countless times, however I want to add my voice to those who are deeply disappointed in such hurtful and divisive words.”

As a new media editorial staff, we feel that your news network at times, is insensitive to the billions of people of color who are suffering around the world.  By calling the President a “racist” does nothing but further perpetuate the racial tension in our country.  This is your insensitivity.

Mr. Murdoch, you have a great responsibility to the people of this world, because of the power you yield from your hard-earned, well-deserved success.  We humbly ask you to uplift all those who are suffering, instead of adding to the unhelpful rhetoric that will hold all of us back.