The Daily Grind Video

There are brands that debut and instantly become the voice of a movement. The designs encompass the feel of an era, a time that forever remains embedded in the minds of its supporters and without notice the brand folds, the movement has now evolved, and the successor now takes precedent.

But what happens when the successor is also the predecessor? I thought to myself, ‘How is FB Legacy going to duplicate the success of FUBU?’ As I rode the elevator to the top of the Empire State Building, the doors opened to a floor that was home to Coogi, and Crown Holder-all brands owned by FUBU. I was slightly impressed. Not loosing track of my purpose, to view their latest collection, I noted to myself, ‘If they dare try to show me some Fat Albert jumpsuits I’m walking out.’

Once in their conference room, I was formally introduced to FB Legacy. Relieved that I wouldn’t have to stage an exit, I sat in awe as key pieces from the brand landed it’s way in front of me. There was exposed stitching, caviar beading, raw denim, fleece lined knits, and chunky knits with ribbed collaring. The coloring schemes were rich, with complimenting contrast colors.

I was shocked to say the least, but a sense of pride overcame me as I thought of the meaning of the brand, the friendship between four Queens natives that remains just as solid as it was at it’s inception. We’ve seen a lot of brands sweep through Hip-Hop and Fashion, but none of them seemed to connect with the people like this one has. It’s inspired artists to become brands, it encourages unity and pride amongst the masses and it has managed to persevere in an ‘City of Iron.’

Take a look at the Exclusive Interview with FB Legacy…