The Daily Grind Video


Chiddy Bang is a group that proves yet again Hip Hop is pushing beyond its boundaries and merging into different realms and genres. Chiddy Bang is a Philly duo that is grabbing the attention of mainstream execs with their not-so mainstream hipster music style.

Chidera “Chiddy” Anamge is the M.C of the group. Born in Nigeria and raised in the U.S, Chiddy would eventually enroll in Drexel University where he would meet Philly DJ/Producer and fellow group mate Xhaphoon Jones.  Its Jones’s producing style of sampling and mixing that helps garner the group’s Hip-hop/ Electronica sound.




Chiddy can be heard spitting inquisitive, cool, life experienced lyrics over Jones’ sampled beats of Passion Pit, Fela Kuti, Kate Nash, Radiohead to the Gorillaz. The group touches topics of issues in Nigeria to lighthearted songs of making it in music.

Garnering the ears of more listeners (who’ve turned into fans of the music) Chiddy Bang is prepping the release of their first album. Their official first single is entitled “Opposite of Adults”.

A mashup of MGMT’s “Kids”, the single reminisces of how it as to be a kid, between the song’s Hip Hop lyrics to the electro laced beat, the single is a great representation of what the group embodies.  If the single isn’t enough, no worries the group has a mixtape entitled “Air Swell”. The mixtape pays homage to the groups UK fans and was composed mainly during their flights from NYC to London.

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