The Daily Grind Video

In response to the Zimmerman verdict, members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) have readied bills that will address racial profiling, stand your ground laws, and better, non-violent training for neighborhood watch volunteers. Though they have kept a low-profile during the trial, they have decided it’s time to take action. [TheHill]

A school lunch in eastern India has claimed 22 young lives. The free Mid-Day Meal Scheme was enacted to tackle the problem of hunger in India, but the program is often subject to poor sanitation and hygiene. Based on the smell emanating from the 47 sick children’s bodies, doctors believe the food had traces of organo-phosphorous, a poison. The parents of the deceased have taken to rioting and protesting. As of now, an investigation is underway into if the poisonous food was an accident. [BBC]

I have what?! After being told by her orthopedist she was suffering from a rare and deadly condition called “ghetto booty,” enraged Terry Ragland has filed a complaint with the Tennessee Department of Health. The doctor, Dr. Sweo, has since apologized for his comment. [HuffingtonPost]