The Daily Grind Video

An email sent to Army spokespersons about recruiting women for the armed forces had an interesting message. Pick “average” (read ugly) women, because pretty women can’t be taken seriously. Sent by Col. Lynette Arnhart, a senior military analyst who is working on a project to better integrate women into all military positions, the letter reads: “In general, ugly women are perceived as competent while pretty women are perceived as having used their looks to get ahead.” Oh? Read the rest of the discriminative and idiotic email here…[Jezebel]

Parents of teenagers in Iowa are standing up for their kids after they came under fire for hitting, smacking and teasing a 13-year-old boy with Asperger’s Syndrome and ADHD. Yep, that happened. The parents of the bullies are saying that Levi Null, the child being bullied, is “asking for it.” Don’t believe it? Read it here…[Gawker]

A 17-year-old Brazilian teen committed suicide after she was a victim of revenge porn. The girl, Julia Rebecca, hung herself after video of her with a male and a female was posted online. Her death has sparked outrage in Brazil, where incidents like this are on the rise. Police are trying to pinpoint who released the tape. [Buzzfeed]

McDonald’s has some tips for their cash-strapped workers this holiday season. Instead of paying them more, employees were told to stop spending their cash, sell their items, eat less, complain less and sing. As if that’s going to pay the bills. See all of McDonald’s advice, here…[Gawker]