The Daily Grind Video

This is awesome.

Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford is a really controversial figure – between admitting to smoking crack, discussing oral sex with his wife, and being stripped of most of his power by the Toronto City Council, he’s lost lots of support.

But that has NOT stopped fan-favorite Ron Burgundy (played by Will Ferrell, of course) from showing the R-rated mayor some love. While on the Conan O’Brien show last night, the infamous Anchorman had this to say just before dedicating “Working for the Weekend” to Rob:

“My dear, dear, dear friend Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto is running for re-election. I hold him in the highest regard. He is the best! Outstanding individual. His little brother Donny, or Dougie, or whatever has asked me to sing the campaign theme song.”

The rest is history! Watch the craziness go down in the video above, and be sure to go see Anchorman 2, in theaters Dec 20th.

But before you do, check out these 8 things you must know about Ron Burgundy’s latest film.