The Daily Grind Video
Notre Dame v North Carolina State

Source: Lance King / Getty

Muffet McGraw is a living legend — don’t @ us.

The head women’s basketball coach at the University of Notre Dame went viral twice last week — once, for speaking facts and a second time for those incomparable dance moves.

At a press conference, a reporter asked McGraw how seriously she takes being the voice for equal hiring practices in sports. Obviously the answer is “very seriously” sir, but McGraw broke it down for the reporter so he and everyone else would have no doubt in their mind that it’s REAL.

“Did you know that the Equal Rights Amendment was introduced in 1967 and it still hasn’t passed? We need 38 states to agree that discrimination on the basis of sex is unconstitutional. We’ve had a record number of women running for office and winning, and still, we have 23% of the House and 25% of the Senate,” she began. “I’m getting tired of the novelty of ‘the first female governor of this state,’ ‘the first  female African American mayor of this city.’ When is it going to become the norm instead of the exception?”

Yes y’all, she was speaking up for women of color, TOO.

“How are these young women looking up and seeing someone that looks like them preparing them for the future?,” she asked. “We don’t have enough female role models. We don’t have enough visible women leaders. We don’t have enough women in power. Girls are socialized to know when they come out: gender roles are already set, men run the world, men have the power, men make the decisions, it’s always the man that is the stronger one. And when these girls are coming out, who are they looking up to, to tell them that’s not the way it has to be? And where better to do that than in sports?”

“All these millions of girls that play sports across the country, they could come out every day — and we’re teaching them great things about life skills — but wouldn’t it be great if we could teach them to watch how women lead?,” she continued.

Next, McGraw — who recently said she doesn’t plan on hiring anymore male coaches — spit out statistics and simple reasoning for anyone who had an issue with that decision.

“This is a path for you to take to get to the point where, in this country, we have 50% of women in power. We have… right now, less than five percent of women are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. So, yes, when you look at men’s basketball and 99% of the jobs go to men, why shouldn’t 100 or 99% of the job in women’s basketball go to women? Maybe it’s because we only have 10% women athletic directors in Division I. People hire people who look like them and that’s the problem.”

Watch the viral clip below and hit the flip to see how people feel about McGraw’s comments. Personally, we can’t find the lie and… it looks like the public can’t either.

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