The Daily Grind Video
Power season 6 Starz

Source: STARZ / Starz

As fans anxiously tuned into the first of the final episodes of Power this weekend, we were all in for a rude awakening.

We thought we’d immediately find out if Ghost was alive or not, but instead it seems STARZ will go through each suspect’s whereabouts leading up to Ghost’s purported death. That’s right — according to a news clip played toward the ending of the episode, Ghost was “murdered.” Fans were shocked, but skeptical because as we all know Kanan was “dead” at a point, too.

ALSO READ: Fans React To An Unbelievable Episode, Plus Theories On #WhoShotGhost

Throughout the episode, appropriately titled Still Dre, Dre is trying to leave New York after being framed (by Ghost) for the murder of Jason Micic. We meet his mom and quickly learn why Dre is the seedy character he is. Elsewhere, Spanky turns informant, Tate pays Dre to kill Ghost but someone beats Dre to it, Dre is caught by police when he stops to get gas, then meets his fate when he is burned alive in jail by Spanky and 2-Bit.

Tune into a full recap HERE, plus the best reactions to the emotional, action-packed, slightly confusing episode on the flip.

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