
  Today I am overjoyed because I got to witness the true power of hip-hop once again.  The power of giving back.  That is what hip-hop has been about since day one and what it will always be…because the tie between the poets and their communities is unbreakable. At the Rush Gallery, we announced a […]

I’m happy Kelis is out with the baby and Nas. It made my heart happy! I know I speak for all GG when I say we wish them only happiness. -Russell Simmons    

I noticed that every time we post a story about Amber Rose, it gets lots of attention. People have very strong opinions…they either hate her or love her. Some people (the haters) get upset because we, the editors of Global Grind, can’t find a lot of bad things to say about her. We leave that […]


Governor Paterson of New York is DEFINITELY AN ACCIDENT!  Like a ten car pile up on the FDR!  Or an eighteen-wheeler hitting a Prius on the 405! You may want to call him an accident, but he is NOT the guilty party!  He’s an accident because his principles, ideals and vision are the kind that we could […]


There has been much love and appreciation given to the service to America from the Kennedy family. I would venture to say that they are known as the most liked, iconic, social and premier political family in the history of this country.  They were a huge sense of pride and motivation for many immigrants, especially […]

A lot of us, including me, often look at beauty from an external point of view only.  It’s very easy to look at someone and just admire their looks. But it’s when you get to know someone and see who they are, inside, that you begin to realize that real beauty radiates from the inside […]

Sophie Monk is one of the most famous people in Australia as well as a renown pop singer around the world.  For her, coming to America is having the paparazzi stand in front of her house 24/7 but no one in the streets knows who she is. I was with her yesterday and I felt […]


When I was young I did some foul shit.  I never tortured an animal or molested a child, but I did a lot of illegal stuff.  And while I was doing it all, I can honestly say that I was unconscious and didn’t see anything wrong.  My awakening came later.  It is a fact that […]


When I was young I did some foul shit.  I never tortured an animal or molested a child, but I did a lot of illegal stuff.  And while I was doing it all, I can honestly say that I was unconscious and didn’t see anything wrong.  My awakening came later.  It is a fact that […]


It is a simple fact that all human beings have the same aspirations, wants, needs and desires.  I believe that when leading men of faith get in a room to discuss tolerance and respect it’s easy to make great progress.  The hard part is getting them in the room. I am excited to announce that […]


As I enter the final days before our tenth anniversary of Art For Life, our annual benefit that raises money for The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation, I think about the power of change.  The power that the arts have to change a child’s life.  I have witnessed it with my own eyes.  I have been […]


Millennials are Engaging to Improve the Economy By Russell Simmons and Maya Enista   The vast majority of Americans, including many policymakers at the highest levels of government, are still unaware of one of the most pressing economic issues facing our country. Many may think that everything newsworthy has been covered amidst the media firestorm […]