When I first heard about Chick-fil-A’s stance on gay marriage, I felt boycotting that them is stupid. Yeah, their views on gay marriage are ignorant, but I guarantee that if you knew the ideals and morals of the owners of most fast food establishments, or any multimillion-dollar enterprise, you would feel offended and/or appalled. STORY: […]

It came as no surprise when Lil Wayne revealed to DJ Drama that he was putting rap on the back burner while he pursued his new love – skateboarding.  Over the past year, it seemed like Lil Wayne’s rap career had been dying a slow death. And now with Lil Wayne’s admission, it’s safe to […]

Stop the violence. Save the vote! Emmett Till, Martin Luther King Jr., and Trayvon Martin were all victims of gun violence. Tupac, The Notorious BIG and the many in Aurora, Colorado were all victims of gun violence. They did not die in vain. Our lost have left a legacy – our legacy is the crusade […]

With all the attention being given to Chick-Fil-A and their stance against gay marriage and the backlash they are getting, it raises one important question. Are we now obligated to know the political leanings of the businesses we frequent? I’m sure most people haven’t given it a second thought. Until now. If the owners of […]

As the Aurora shooting dominates the national mood and conversation, empty gestures of remorse from those who have absolutely nothing to do with the tragedy continue to pour out. Warner Brothers recently announced that it planned to enter reshoots and remove the scene in which a group of thugs shoot up a movie theater in […]

Ramadan, the annual month of fasting and prayer for the Muslim world, started on Friday, the 20th of July and will continue for 30 days until or around Sunday, the 19th of August. Around the world literally billions of people are taking part in the annual spiritual and physical observance. APDTA! (All Praise is Due […]

“It was God’s plan.” Those are the infamous words from the mouth of George Zimmerman that infuriated us all who are able to rationalize and contextualize that which he so audaciously proclaimed. The statement was cruel, insensitive, ignorant, and last but not least, it was genius. STORY: Family Of James Holmes Speaks  Let’s be clear, […]

Dazed and confused is the best way to describe suspected Aurora shooting gunman James Holmes as he sat in a Colorado courtroom during his first court appearance. Holmes is accused of shooting 12 people dead in a Colorado movie theater and injuring 59 others during the midnight screening of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises movie […]

I don’t want to spoil the ending to The Dark Night Rises, but I felt compelled to share my thoughts on the conclusion to the Batman trilogy. Like many of you, I was fearful of going to see the movie after the horrific tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. However, I ultimately decided to go to the […]

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” – Sen. Barack Obama 2008 Barack Obama made this relatively controversial statement back in 2008 while campaigning in North Carolina, when asked about small town […]

Every morning I meditate. I sit for twenty minutes and allow time for the noise to settle. This morning after my meditation, as I am most every morning, I was in a peaceful state. Then I heard the tragic news of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. My mind raced, thoughts about the families, the community, […]

Last night’s “Batman Massacre” shooting in Aurora, Colorado has Internet activists launching campaigns demanding stricter gun control throughout the United States. Initial reports say the gunman identified as James Holmes had an AR-15 rifle (civilian version of an M-16 or M-4 – the standard weapons of the U.S Military), a shotgun, and two handguns with […]