So we recently saw Nicole ‘Snookie‘ Polizzi canoodling with Iraq veteran and new boy toy, Jeff Miranda. And Miranda is here to set the record straight, claiming that Snooks is nothing like they portray her on the show. Apparently, they had ‘in-depth conversations’ and she’s ‘a real sweet girl.’ While the general population (myself included) […]

Doesn’t look like the cheating JWoww is having a hard time getting over her ex-flame Tom Lippolis. Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley was seen canoodling with her latest beau, Roger Williams, in Seaside Heights, NJ recently. Joined by Deena Cortese, the three headed to a local restaurant where the new couple definitely did not shy away from PDA.  […]

Pam Anderson celebrated another successful dance on Dancing with the Stars last night by going to Guys and Dolls nightclub. According to TMZ Pam Anderson and her dancing partner Damian Whitewood danced and kissed the night away. Judging by the pictures he got pretty close to Pam private parts by getting between her legs and… well […]


In what seems like the never ending race to pull the iPhone from its throne, Motorola and Verizon have joined forces to release the Droid. After much hype with a commercial going straight for Apple’s jugular With the Droid finally arriving, gadget enthusiasts have been lining up for hours waiting to get their hands on […]