Netflix's "The Making Of A Murdere" is coming under fire from former Wisconsin state prosecutor Ken Kratz, who says they left some very important evidence out of the ten-part docuseries.

The J.J. Abrams-directed film pulled in $57 million at Thursday night's U.S. box office.

Will Smith is getting considerable Oscar buzz for his role as Dr. Bennet Omalu in the upcoming movie "Concussion. "

"Chi-Raq" hits theaters today, so we ranked Spike Lee's ten best movies of all time.


The Tupac Shakur biopic is just trying to get off the ground.

What does your favorite movie say about you?

And you thought TV's first interracial kiss was between Star Trek's Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura in 1968.

Jamie Foxx's beautiful daughter Corinne Foxx has been named Miss Golden Globe 2016 by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.