The Daily Grind Video

NOW is your chance to help prevent violence without leaving your front porch! Host a Movie Party showing The Interrupters, the 2012 Independent Spirit Award winner for “Best Documentary” about three “Violence Interrupters” protecting their communities.

The inspiring and critically-acclaimed film, The Interrupters, follows Ameena Matthews, Cobe Williams, and Eddie Bocanegra through their daily lives as “Violence Interrupters” for CeaseFire in Chicago.

As a part of this public health campaign, they use wit, street smarts, and compassion for their community to track where violence is heating up and then cool it down.

Their efforts have yielded reductions of 41-73 percent in shootings and killings in targeted zones.

Kartemquin Films, the filmmakers of The Interrupters, and The Peace Alliance have joined forces to encourage people to host Movie Parties for this film.  

Already, 100 Interrupters Movie Parties have been planned in living rooms, schools, churches, and juvenile detention centers throughout the US.  

Sign up here to host an Interrupters Movie Party.

These Movie Parties are spreading hope far and wide that violence is interrupt-able and mobilizing support for the Youth PROMISE Act, a bi-partisan bill which will provide much-needed funding for effective programs like CeaseFire.

The Youth PROMISE Act, introduced by Congressman Robert “Bobby” Scott (D-Virginia), will provide a lifeline for our young people.

Let’s break the cycle of violence and incarceration, shine light on effective violence prevention strategies and speak up for the change our communities need!

Join us in the movement to get this critical piece of legislation passed!

Click here to learn more about what you can do to support the Youth PROMISE Act and to host an Interrupters Movie Party of your own.