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Money Mitt has a lot of nerve! Before settling on Rep. Paul Ryan as his Vice President pick, Mitt Romney requested that the candidates to be his potential VP running mate submit ten years of tax returns for his review, according to CNN.

The obvious irony here is Romney, himself, has refused to release more than two years of his past tax returns, even though most presidential candidates, including his father, have released about twelve.

Mitt Romney’s Golden Gaffes (LIST) 

There are a number of rumors that claim that he didn’t pay many taxes during his two-decade reign as the CEO of Bain Capitol, a private equity firm. He also has offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. Mitt could easily squash these rumors by turning over this tax returns and proving that he did pay taxes on the wealth that he accumlated but he argues that releasing his tax returns will provide the Obama campaign more ammunition in their attacks.

Democrats and even Kanye West find Mitt’s reluctance suspicious. He obviously has something to hide!