The Daily Grind Video

Vice presidential candidate, Paul Ryan attempted courting the votes of hunters yesterday in a speech to a sportsmen’s group.

Yesterday he expressed that President Obama seeks to completely strip gun owners of their rights by appointing judges hostile to a broad interpretation of the Second Amendment.

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Ryan asked the crowd:

“I shudder as a gun owner … what would he do if he never has to face the voters ever again?”

He continued:

“The next president is going to pick a lot of judges. The next president will appoint a lot of different judges and these are lifetime appointments. If you want to make sure that judges respect our Second Amendment rights, you need a president who respects those rights as well,”

Ryan continuedd to stress the importance of electing someone who “respect the rights of hunting and fishing.”

He also took time to address Vice President Joe Biden who claimed on Friday that Paul and Romney could raise taxes on seniors receiving Social Security.

He said:

“Shame on the politician who wants to use this issue to try and scare seniors when those of us who are out there [are] trying to fix this problem for my generation and my kids’ generation and your kids,”

Mmm… interesting words from the vice presidential candidate.

Ryan happens to be a former chairman of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus for four years, and flaunts the values he and his wife Janna have taught their children during hunting trips.