The Daily Grind Video

Beyonce has long been one of the most elusive fixtures in the music industry. 

Just about everything Beyonce touches turns to gold (with the exception of Carmen) and every single move she makes is strategically calculated. 

PHOTOS: Bey Time! Beyonce Reveals To GQ That She Was “Lost” Before Giving Birth To Blue Ivy 

In an age of instant access to celebrity overexposure through social media, blogs and of course, paparazzi, Beyonce is one of the only celebrities who has absolute control over her image, what is released of her personal life and how much of herself she is willing to give to the industry. 

Beyonce is in control of her market saturation and at this level of fame, how could we blame her? 

PHOTOS: Fancy, Huh? Beyonce Gets Pampered & Fly For Her Next Sexy Photo Shoot!

After a hiatus from the spotlight in 2010 to travel, Beyonce returned with an album, a baby bump and was again calculating her dominance.

For the first time post the birth of Blue Ivy, Beyonce graced the cover of GQ magazine, showing off her impeccable curves, and wedging the door open just a tad to give the world an inside look at the life of Bey. 

Here are 5 things that we learned about Beyonce from her GQ interview. 

There is no bit of Beyonce that isn’t documented. 

Yes. There is such thing as the official Beyoncé archive, which according to GQ is a temperature-controlled digital-storage facility that contains virtually every existing photograph of her, every interview, every video, every diary entry EVER. The most shocking? There are very, very few minutes of Beyonce’s life since 2005 that are not documented on camera by the team she employs to shoot her daily sixteen hours a day.

Who said you have to wait for death to have a museum dedicated to you? 

She is self-conscious just like us

No matter how gorgeous the rest of the world believes Beyonce is, she still sees her flaws. The singer admitted to re-watching every single one of her videos and pointing out what was wrong with everything from her hair to her dance moves in search of the perfect formula. 

She is a feminist.

And that is why Daddy Knowles got the boot from being her manager. Beyonce doesn’t believe that men should be in charge of determining what sexy is for a woman (which seems like a contradicting statement to make in a men’s magazine, but I digress.) Beyonce breaks it down, saying, “I truly believe that women should be financially independent from their men. And let’s face it, money gives men the power to run the show. It gives men the power to define value. They define what’s sexy. And men define what’s feminine. It’s ridiculous.”

Mmmmhumm girl! If there is a lesson to learn from Beyonce, it isn’t in her dance moves, but in her ideas of equality. 

She knows her star power. 

Yep. Beyonce knows she has millions of fans and the power to get over 500,000 likes in a second. She knows that she is Queen Bey and is perched comfortably on her throne. 

She makes love to her own music.

Or at least that’s what we got from the part of the interview where the journalist describes Beyonce speaking into a camera saying, “I think I need to go listen to ‘Make Love to Me’ (1+1) and make love to my husband.” But she could have easily been referring to a Rick James track…which changes this realization to “Beyonce makes love to Rick James music.”

With the lineup of things Beyonce has coming up in 2013, we’re sure that slowly, and strategically, Beyonce will let the world in a little more.