The Daily Grind Video

As my father used to say ‘This world is going to hell in a gasoline hand basket’! Just one of the Jamesisms I was subjected to as a little boy. But Oh how true those words are today. What the f#*k is going on in this world today?! What’s wrong with people? Why do we put so much credence in what celebrities have to say? Why do I give a ish if Kanye West says he doesn’t listen to hip hop in his apartment? It’s his apartment! Why are we arguing about this bs? Who cares if Beyonce is pregnant? She’s married! If she wants to have a child with her HUSBAND, what’s wrong with that?

Celebrities. I’ve been around them for over 20 years now and I’ve seen the best and the worst in them. Guess what people? They are just ordinary human beings like me and you! They put their jeans on one leg at a time just like the rest of us! They use the bathroom to take a dump just like you and I. I’ve been in the bathroom behind a few of them and their poop smells just as bad as yours does. Sometimes even worse! Depends on their diets!

Let me make something perfectly clear to you all, we have bigger and more important things to worry about in this world than what a celebrity does! We are at war.

Young men and women are coming home everyday in body bags from Iraq and Afghanistan. We are in the middle of a deep economic crisis with no end in sight. The government is wasting our tax dollars on bail-outs for major corporations and they in turn, take the money and buy $50 million dollar private jets with it.

More and more people are losing their homes to foreclosures. Less and less black and Latino men are graduating from high school. As a matter of fact, 70 percent of all Black and Latino children are growing up in a single parent household! If predictions are correct, at the end of 2009, almost half of this country will be living below the poverty level! Now what do we have to do to straighten out all this mess? I don’t have all the answers. Hopefully, our newly elected President can help navigate us through these tough times. What I do know is this, we need to concentrate more on helping ourselves and helping others than on what kind of dress or suit or ring some celebrity is wearing to some God awful awards show! How is that making a difference in our world?!

Keep God first and everything else will fall into place!

Life as I see it, Ed Lover