The Daily Grind Video

Leonardo DiCaprio is known for being an award winning actor–but he is also a huge sports fan. A regular fixture at LA Lakers games, Leo is always spotted around town wearing baseball caps. And while he has been known to rock quite a few teams, it’s obvious his real allegiance is to the UCLA Bruins basketball team. 

Whether he’s sitting next to other famous faces courtside at a Bball game, doing errands around town, chilling out with a cigar, or enjoying quality time with his supermodel girlfriend, Bar Refaeli, Leo is always sporting the UCLA cap. 

Just last night, Leo was spotted at the ACLS Game 4: Texas Rangers vs. New York Yankees, hanging out with die-hard Yank fan, Jay-Z. Except, of course, Leo was still repping UCLA!



Leo hangs out court side at an L.A. Lakers game with pal, fellow fan and actor Tobey Maguire.


Leo does some errands, buying new shades at the Solstice store and trying hide from the paps with the help of his UCLA cap. 


Again at another Lakers game, Leo is joined by Israeli supermodel and longtime girlfriend Bar Refaeli and later, flies solo. 


Leo is caught at an outdoor cafe, this time with his hat on backwards, looking a little confused about all the attention.


Leo is getting ready to snap some pics, while his own photo is being snapped with his UCLA baseball hat.


Leonardo enjoys a cigar while wearing his signature cap. He looks like he got caught doing something he’s not supposed to. I wonder how Bar feels about smoking!


For some reason Leo is lurking around a dumpster, while wearing plaid. Not sure what he’s doing but he’s still got the cap on. Then, he enjoys a beer while court side again. 


Leo wears a striped polo and matches his cap–i think he’s trying to hail a taxi and look inconspicuous.