The Daily Grind Video

I have been told by many of my twitter followers that the reason they follow me is because I am a spiritual voice of reason. Every day I remind my “followers” to turn the other cheek, meditate to bring themselves closer to god and to try not waste their energy sweating the small stuff. I know that if they follow my advice and are able to find that stillness, the one that I have been fortunate enough to get a glimpse of, it will eventually lead them to happiness, or a state of yoga that is their birthright. I certainly can’t say I’ve mastered it, but I have faith that it is possible in this lifetime. I am, as you are, a work in progress. But if you ask anyone who has known me before I started practicing these principals, they will say that the person who was nicknamed ‘Rush,’ because I couldn’t sit still, is now someone who doesn’t ‘Rush as Much.’

It is my most important gift to the world. Finding this inner peace has saved my life and/or at least saved me from as much suffering as I was destined. For, as you know, I live at least part of my life in the public eye. And we all know, that is not always the safest, kindest space to live in. You NEED to have a tough skin or better spiritual armor. I am often in gossip columns and over the years, some press is good ,some not so good. I seldom let it bother me and usually just say that these columnists are just doing their job. There is easy short-term money to be made in selling dirt. Gossip sites, magazines, newspapers and columns may never go out of style.

This week I have been in the gossip columns a lot…for throwing a diva fit at a Charlotte Ronson show (which may have been a bit over stated, but to be above it I sent flowers anyway, which Kevin Leong (my main designer) thought I was crazy to do ,since he was there and saw first that I ‘didn’t do shit outta line.’ Then I was called out for being at a Diane Von Furstenberg show in ‘full make up.’ Okay, that one made me laugh, since I never even went there, but I love Diane and I’m sorry I missed it! LOL.

And then came the blurb in the NY Post that dug a hole. The Post managed to do what the others didn’t…they got under my skin, found a raw nerve, hit it and actually hurt me. They reported that my beautiful daughters, after their mother’s fashion show, ‘went straight up to Djimon Hounsou and gave him a hug, bypassing biological dad Russell.” I’m sorry but targeting my family, my kids who I love so very much and trying to suggest there is some underlying jealousy, favoritism or lack of love between my kids and I or any of that is low and extra dirty.

Djimon is a great father and step-father for my kids. And I try to be a good father that’s the reality. The NY Post tried to take an arrow to my heart and hit me where any father would feel the most pain, and at least for a moment, they succeeded. Sorry to tell the Post and the other sites that picked up this story, that there is NO story here to tell. My girls went and hugged and kissed both Djimon and myself, cris-crossing us equally at the same time. He and I are family. I even tell my lovely daughters they are lucky to have two fathers. It saddens me to know that so many people are comfortable making a living by selling pain.

It makes me understand how young celebrities get so depressed that they turn to drugs and other self destructive ways to dull their pain, when they read such trash talk about themselves at a time when they