The Daily Grind Video

<p>By Rae Saeed, Editor</p><p>&lsquo;He loves me, he loves me not. He could like me but love me not. What should I do to make him love me? Should I have to make him at least like me?&rsquo; The dating game is one of mankind&rsquo;s most exciting activities. The one thing that has rules that aren&rsquo;t always abided by. Rules like not cheating on the one you&rsquo;re seeing. There are those who are arrogant enough to attempt to around the &lsquo;no cheating&rsquo; rule on a technicality (ex: relationship is not exclusive, therefore not cheating). Sometime&rsquo;s it lasts forever, more often there are broken hearts. Either way, there&rsquo;s no chance of getting into the dating game without getting hurt or hurting someone else.</p><p>Dating is divided into three categories. There&rsquo;s singles dating, married couples who date and the most awkward, dating for divorcees. Singles: Where to meet and greet? Well there&rsquo;s the bar scene, or meeting through a friend. However, in today&rsquo;s day and age the most popular form of meeting someone is through dating sites. Licensed marriage and family therapist Sawyer Schlaepfer gives his slant on the subject. &ldquo;Take the time to get to know each other online before phoning or meeting. When you meet find a coffee shop or other public place&ndash;perhaps a tennis court if that is an interest. Plan something to go to afterwards so you don&rsquo;t feel &ldquo;stuck&rdquo; if you don&rsquo;t hit it off.&rdquo; In Sawyer&rsquo;s experience, people are more apt to find the right person online than random meeting in clubs or bars. According to the PhD, certain online sites help you know more about someone before you meet than you might learn in several dates. Special interest groups are also a good way to meet: Skiing, tennis, church, Sierra Singles, Parents Without Partners, etc.</p><p>For those who are serious about finding true love through unconventional methods, EHarmony would be the right way to go. Think about it. <strong>Author and relationship educator Roland Hinds</strong> feels it&rsquo;s best to meet someone by visiting places that person&rsquo;s interested in, &ldquo;This way you are meeting people who may have similar interest to you. If you are not a drinker, it may not be in your best interest to go to a bar a club. A good place to meet people would be at a playhouse, concert (Spoken Word, Jazz or Classical), museum, or at a mutual friends home. You may find that you have something in common with a friend&rsquo;s mutual friend, co-worker and the like.&rdquo;</p><p>Founder of his own dating site, Ross Felix, agrees. &ldquo;Attend events that you&rsquo;ll enjoy. Whether it&rsquo;s wine tasting, co-ed sports leagues, or a cooking class, sign up for activities where you&rsquo;ll have fun &mdash; and have the opportunity to meet potential dates. Plus, if you&rsquo;re having fun &mdash; you&rsquo;re infinitely more approachable. Finally, considering you&rsquo;re both participating in the event, there&rsquo;s an instant ice-breaker,&rdquo; Felix suggests. First Date Faux pas: In <strong>Hinds book, Are You The Right One For Me? Whose Choice Is It Anyway?</strong> It discusses the importance of communication. &ldquo;Instead of listening carefully, some people talk too much. They don&rsquo;t allow the person a chance to say much about them so they can make an informed decision about the person. The answer is take time to hear what your date is saying, so you can look for the consistency later. If there is a bunch of inconsistencies, this may not be the one for you. I refer to this as the <strong>4 C&rsquo;s of a Relationship</strong>.&rdquo; Number one mistake to avoid, putting out on the first date. (<a hre