The Daily Grind Video

The facts are in the opinions that are formed through substance of worth. Measuring the temptation of lyrics, head nodding to the rhythm lost in the melody, adults are just as lost as the children.The children are the leaders of tomorrow, today but can they survive or will they die in the moment leaving yesterday to encourage tomorrow?

I question the prospect of tomorrow with reasoning while searching for understanding. I peak from Behind the Pen of the Curtain while listening to the stage that seems to be filled with empty minds in search of happiness while the audience is filled with the minds of tomorrow.

I wonder why the ‘Fireworks’ of Drake are not as popular in certain ‘hoods’ as ‘Hard in Da Paint’ lyrics of Waka Flocka Flame. Is life really imitating art or is art imitating life & which is winning? I sit behind the pen, inking thoughts of a concerned heart. 

I acknowledge the profound beauty & definition of art but the question is has art strayed away from substance in pursuit of gain that does not include worth.

Today, I’ve aged another day & I wonder will my nieces be able to lead tomorrow as they represent today & I yesterday. Their choice of music is not Nas instead they are running to stores purchasing Plies & filling rooms with rants of ‘Bruh, Bruh’ which does not aid their spelling nor pronunciation skills.

Inhaling the success of artists that are not able to exhale comfortably because they are chasing a dream of bondage while representing characters, I am taking the liberty of addressing a personal concern for tomorrow, today.

Yesterday’s rappers were influenced by the beautiful pattern of poetry but today’s rappers are influenced by the gain of material items. Where is the profound definition of leaders that will lead? 


Is Hip/Hop dead? This question fills articles, blogs, twitter, facebook, youtube & Ustream but there does NOT seem to be an answer.

I ask a different question, where are the rappers of substance today that are guiding the youth of tomorrow? Are we at a lost? Why is hip/hop reaching to gain material items instead of promoting determination with an encouraging message that education was once a battleground of Civil Rights?

Martin Luther King Jr. fought for Blacks of all races to have a voice of reasoning, education & success but today’s Black faces seem to be dressed in masked Black Face! I wonder are they aware of the reflection of their image. Yes, there is a difference between reflection & image… 

In a recent interview, Waka Flocka made statements that were a bit discouraging yet; I applaud his efforts of living his dream! Is this a contradiction to my personal concerns? I do not believe that I am walking contradiction because he is living his dream, which is the dream of today’s children that will lead tomorrow so I salute his accomplishments.


But, I am concerned with his comments & interviews following where he seems to lack understanding of his impact on children & his comments. How do we come together as a community to inform, uplift, support, & encourage our youth if we make comments that are alarming & continue to support ignorance?  

Wale is an artist that offers admiration for women with songs like