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Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, leader of the notoriously brutal Mexican drug cartel, Zetas, has been captured. The Mexican Marines stopped a truck filled with $2 million in cash, as well as Morales and his entourage, on a countryside road outside of Nuevo Laredo, the cartel’s base. Morales has been flown to Mexico City, where he will be tried for a myriad of heinous crimes including extortion and the murder of 256 people. [HuffingtonPost]


Italian senator, Roberto Calderoli, has compared fellow government official, Congolese-born Cecile Kyenge, to an “orangutan.” Calderoli, a member of the anti-immigration party, will not apologize to Kyenge, the first black Cabinet minister, instead claiming he “cannot help” but think of her as an animal. [CNN]


Despite the problems mounting in Syria, citizens of the town of Kafranbel showed their support for Trayvon Martin’s family after the verdict was released.  [HuffingtonPost]


Things in Egypt are not improving. As the interim president, Adly Mansour, swore in a new cabinet, violent clashes erupted, resulting in seven deaths. Most of the officials in the new government have been appointed by the military, a fact that is not increasing their popularity. [CNN]

Amid the violence, however, has emerged one impressive twelve-year-old, who beautifully explained his views on the Egyptian government. Trust me, it’s worth watching. [YouTube]


Omar al-Bashir, the President of the Sudan, has been forced to flee Nigeria, where he had been hiding. Bashir is wanted for war crimes and genocide by human rights activists and the International Criminal Court. [HuffingtonPost]


Remember Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik? Well, one of his Neo-Nazi fans, Kristian Vikernes, was arrested at his home in southwestern France because the police thought he was preparing for a terrorist attack. The convicted murderer and black metal musician had been discussing Breivik on his website and his wife had just purchased four rifles. [Reuters]



The North Korean ship loaded with weapons were Cuban, and they were being sent back to North Korea for repairs. The Cuban Foreign Ministry released a statement claiming the cargo was “obsolete defensive weaponry.” All of the arms were Soviet-era, built around the 1950s. [Reuters]


The Panamanian government seized a North Korean boat (pictured above) that had set sail from Cuba. Hidden in the boat were lots of arms, including ballistic missiles. The North Korean crew would not cooperate with Panamanian officials, even though the captain had had a heart attack and was suicidal. [USAToday]