The Daily Grind Video

On Wednesday, after two days of the blame game, George Zimmerman’s wife Shellie held a press conference to address the domestic dispute that has us all puzzled.

And though she agreed not to press charges against her soon-to-be ex-husband for breaking her iPad, assaulting her father and allegedly threatening her with a gun, she stood beside her lawyer to weigh in on whose fault it really was.

Bizarre. Yep. In fact, watching her bumbling, effervescent and extremely sarcastic lawyer, Kelly Sims, was probably the best part about it all (see above) but it was what he said…or didn’t say…that gave us pause.

What does Shellie really know about her husband of nearly seven years, George Zimmerman?

See below:

Sims on why Shellie told police George has a gun: “…You know your husband, you know he always carries a gun. Not only that, you know your husband’s name is George Zimmerman.”

On believing George was armed: “Shellie had valid reason to believe George was armed.” Mentions that George was wearing a new gun holster.

That time Sims compared George to a gun-toting Clint Eastwood: “If Clint Eastwood had his hand near where a gun would be, does he have to pull the gun to make you scared, worried, upset?”

On why Shellie wasn’t pressing charges: “In retrospect, I should’ve said, ‘Shellie, prosecute the heck out of him.'”

On the divorce: “The only thing she wants out of this divorce is for it to end with a whimper, and not a bang.”

On their relationship now: “They need to be on opposite sides of the country. The world, if it’s possible.”

On what the domestic dispute was about: “There wasn’t a dispute over items, it was a dispute…maybe…about somebody spreading her wings and flying away.”

On what Shellie wants from all of this: “Shellie’s desire is to stay as far away from him as she can…as long and as far as she can from George.”

On Shellie’s appearance: “She’s lost about 30lbs since leaving George…things are going great.”

On George Zimmerman: “It’s in his character to always have a gun… to be a hard man, when need be.”

On Shellie’s current state: “It’s like she’s been on the Tower of Terror, she doesn’t know what’s happening from day to day.”

Yikes! Talk about throwing shade! But aside from that, could Sims be sending us a message about the real Zimmerman without giving us specific details?

If you ask me, these analogies, descriptions and phrases sound pretty damn ominous.