The Daily Grind Video

Oh, you didn’t hear? The federal government has shut down and 800,000 government workers are without pay. How did this happen? Well…children aren’t the only ones who act like children these days – government officials do too.

But seriously? The government? There are SO many things that should have shut down before the government. It’s the government. We kinda need it.

Here are some things (specifically, 17) that definitely should have gotten the boot before our country’s lawmaking body.


Annoying Facebook couples

Toddlers & Tiaras 

Sallie MAE

People who talk too loudly on their phone while in public

Fedoras and the people who wear them

Viral twerking videos. Just stop.

Rush Limbaugh

Cronut lines

So basically…

People who breathe and or chew like animals

George Zimmerman’s supporters

Anyone who doesn’t like Beyonce

Twitter trolls

Gucci Mane’s career

Any and all traffic

People who wear sunglasses inside and/or at night

And finally… The War on Drugs