
Donald Trump told CNN that violence could erupt if he finishes with the most delegates, and the nomination goes to someone else.


Trump's presence on the list marks the first time the firm has considered the rise of a presidential candidate as a global risk.

Donald Trump may have finally met his match.

On Sunday, pop star Demi Lovato took to Twitter to dish about her sobriety status.

Senator Marco Rubio made an announcement on Tuesday that he will no long be participating in the 2016 presidential race.


Stacey Dash, a Fox News contributor, rose to Donald Trump's defense in a rambling blog post on her website.


New drug reforms are slated to be presented to the United Nations in April.

It turns out Dreamville fans aren't the biggest Donald Trump fans.

Obama said he wasn't surprised by Trump's ascendance in the presidential race.


The rally, which follows comments Trump made earlier in the day seeming to condone violence at his rallies, descended into chaos when protestors and supporters of the GOP frontrunner clashed on the arena floor.

Another day, another celebrity rightfully fed up with Donald Trump's rhetoric.