You may want to read this before you plan that barbecue this weekend. Due to a possible contamination linked to mad cow disease, more than 4,000 pounds of rib-eye and other fresh beef products have been recalled. From CNN: The meat in question was processed at Fruitland American Meat in Jackson, Missouri, and distributed to […]

Have you ever wondered what a model diet consists of? Well, thanks to Ireland Baldwin, we now know. And it’s more attainable than you’d think. During an interview with Galore, Alec’s daughter revealed that prior to getting into the modeling world, she pretty much lived off junk food – and still looked fabulous. “My diet consisted […]

Jelly doughnuts are trash. That’s not us trying to troll or anything. It’s just a fact of life. Jelly doughnuts are utter trash, and the fact that people try to pretend they are not trash and then proceed to throw like four of them into a box of dozen is annoying. So here’s a little tip, […]

Cheeseburgers are meant to eat. But in Florida, apparently they are also meant to be weapons. A 23-year-old man was arrested last week after he hit a pregnant family member with the edible goodness and then shoved her. Yep, that happened. According to arrest reports, the victim told sheriff’s deputies 23-year-old Taylor Allen Stephens of […]

Mouthwatering or nauseating? That’s something Pizza Hut customers in Japan will have to figure out for themselves after eating the pizza giant’s newly released concoction. According to Kotaku, Pizza Hut announced its special collaboration with Morinaga to create the Morinaga Milk Caramel and Marshmallow Pizza. The candy company will be celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and apparently wants to make a big […]

Bad news for hipsters, their pita chips and their love for Trader Joe’s hummus. Seven tons of the stuff (including dips with hummus as an ingredient) have been recalled nationwide from the popular food store due to listeria fears. Massachusetts-based food manufacturer Hot Mama’s Foods announced that it has voluntarily pulled several dip products from store […]

So much for burgers this Memorial Day Weekend. A massive recall of 1.8 million pounds of ground beef has health officials, once again, reminding the public of the dangers of undercooked meat. The beef products, which were recalled because of a possible contamination, may have been tainted with E. coli O157:H7 — the source of at least […]

Going to the grocery store today? Avoid the cottage cheese. Kraft Food Groups is recalling some of its cottage cheese after learning some ingredients used in Knudsen Cottage Cheese, Breakstone’s Cottage Cheese, Simply Kraft Cottage Cheese and Daily Chef Cottage Cheese products was not stored at the proper temperature. While unlikely, the failure to properly store ingredients […]

The levels of cringe are at an all time high. According to the Metro, a woman was enjoying her dinner at a restaurant in Anhui province, China when she discovered a condom in her calamari and fish meal. Outraged, customer Mai Ling demanded to speak with the manager. That’s when the story goes left (as if it […]

UPDATE: 2:00 PM EST Jameis Winston has been suspended by the Florida State baseball team following his misdemeanor citation Tuesday. FSU baseball Coach Mike Martin says, “As a result of his citation last night, we are suspending Jameis Winston from the baseball team.“I am confident he will complete his community service obligation and the situation will […]

What’s you favorite flavor of ice cream? Is it Vanilla? Chocolate? Strawberry? Or how about Carrot Orange? Or maybe — just maybe — Tomato Cherry? We’re not trolling with those last two, either. Those are two real flavors of ice cream, just released by Häagen-Dazs for all the lucky folks in Japan. (What did they ever do to deserve this?) […]