The Daily Grind Video

<h3><a href=” ask don/”t tell policy in everything it does. And as long as we don’t ask any questions. They will do their best to erase our history while keeping their dirty hands clean. This is why I don’t understand why the "average" people of the United States won’t "buy into" the FACT that "secret societies" do exist. And cases such as … the <a href=""><strong>Emmett Till case</strong></a> is proof. There are (government) organizations who’s job it is to ensure they keep us distracted while covering up crimes they commit against us.</div><p>Ian Kavanaugh: We have learned that hatred, as all other things have proven to do, evolves over time. It doesn&rsquo;t go away, it shows it self in more sophisticated and undercover ways. Today police officers and civil service workers have taken the role of overtly violent racists. Improvements have been made and this country is far more dormant than it was 55</p><p><a href=""><strong>To view entire thread click here</strong></a></p><p><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><!–Session data–><input id="jsProxy" onclick="jsCall();" type="hidden" /></p>